Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today should have been the Yoga X workout but instead I did Yoga on the Wii Fit (my brother has a Wii fit and he suggested I try it).  I found it much more enjoyable than the Yoga X.  After I was finished I took my Wii fit age (which was extremely old) and played some fitness games. 

I also ran/walked/jogged a little over 2 miles today - doesn't seem like much but it's a start for me.  I really enjoy running especially when it's cold out. 

Since I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow I'm sure I will be doing a lot more running (probably on a treadmil) since I will be living in a hotel for the next week and won't have a lot of space to work with. 

I am worried about my trip.  I feel like I'm finally getting on the right track and I just know this trip is going to mess everything up because I have no will power. 

Wish me luck! And I'll keep you in formed with what's going on!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Kate! You asked what kind of dressing I use on the shrimp's Wishbone olive oil vinaigrette and it's only 60 cals for 2 Tbsp. Today I'm having a salad w/ grilled chicken strips on it...that dressing will be Wishbone Light Blue Cheese, and it's only 40 cals for 1 Tbsp. I hope this helps. :)
